Inspire Curriculum

Radiant and MVP curriculum in middle and high school versions have complimentary topics but have variations in topic presentation. Radiant presents the topics through the key words of “Significance Strength and Shine.” MVP uses the key words “Manhood Value and Purpose.” The curriculum encourages mentors to guide discussions, create a safe environment for challenging issues and questions, as well as allow students to build a developmental relationship to encourage their success. Throughout the lessons, topics such as leadership, social media safety, communication, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, emotional well-being, goal setting, professional etiquette and finances are presented through discussion and activities.

What is the cost?

Curriculum: $500 Training: $1000

Each individual curriculum cost $500 and includes the PDF version as well as four manuals. Training is required and can be done at your location or in Dallas. Training cost covers up to 40 people for one or two days. Travel costs not included.

Curriculum Bundles:

High School Bundle: $1800

Radiant and MVP High School Curriculum Bundle includes the PDF version as well as four manuals of each. Training cost covers up to 40 people for one or two days. Meeting with school/administration optional. Travel costs not included if outside of Dallas.

Middle School Bundle: $1800

Radiant and MVP Middle School Curriculum Bundle includes the PDF version as well as four manuals of each. Training cost covers up to 40 people for one or two days. Meeting with school/administration optional. Travel costs not included if outside of Dallas.

Inspire Bundle: $2500

Inspire Curriculum Bundle includes the PDF versions of Radiant and MVP Middle and High School versions as well as four manuals of each. Training cost covers up to 40 people for one or two days. Meeting with school/administration optional. Travel costs not included if outside of Dallas.

Does the curriculum have the same topics for both the male and female versions?

Yes! Both curriculum features the same topics just in a different order. While the curriculum can be used with a co-ed class, we have found that is also important to create spaces for dialogue and mentoring to occur in male/female groups as well.

I have had to privilege to work with the Inspire program in two schools now! The message that Inspire presents to our students is so needed in our schools. The mentors encourage our students to value themselves, identify healthy and un-healthy relationships, focus on their emotional well-being, and so much more. These adults are pouring such valuable insight to our students that are amazing life skills. I have had numerous students at both schools seek me out to tell me how much Inspire has helped them and how grateful they are that we brought the program to the school. In the same respect, the teachers tell me how the presentations are well ran and interactive. One teacher told me he started at the back of the class doing his own thing, but quickly joined the conversation because the material was so impactful! I love this! Tara and her mentors truly care about kids’ social and emotional well-being and it is evident! I especially love the presentations/luncheons that are done at the end of the year because they highlight a diverse group of people that have overcome so many obstacles to be successful and are making a difference in their communities!
Christina Valderas, Former School Counselor