Inspire does not charge the students to attend this event so your sponsorship allows us to provide the field trip luncheons. During the morning and afternoon, students hear from empowering guest speakers. However, the luncheon provides students with a chance to utilize the professional etiquette they learned in the mentoring program as well as interact with community members in various professions. There are two ways to be involved - Table Sponsor and/or Table Host.
TABLE SPONSOR - Starting at $200. Includes sponsorship for students to attend plus name on the table(s), entrance banner, website and promotional media. You can send up to two Table Hosts per table sponsored. You can designate one or two Table Hosts or Inspire can provide Table Hosts for you.
TABLE HOST - $50. Includes sponsorship of two students. You can choose a school district to sit with but will be assigned a specific table of students by Inspire. Time commitment is from 11am-12:30pm. During this time, Table Hosts share their educational/professional experiences and get to know a table of students. We try to put two Table Hosts at every table.
ATTIRE: Business
TIME FOR TABLE HOSTS: 11am - 12:30pm
SCHOOL DISTRICT: Designate your sponsorship for Cedar Hill, Duncanville or Dallas - South Oak Cliff High School.
LOCATION: Trinity Church at 1231 E. Pleasant Run Road, Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
CONTACT: or 214.480.4677
SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Cedar Hill ISD, Duncanville ISD, Trinity Church, The Communities Foundation of Texas, City of Cedar Hill